Integration of hearing - impaired people into the labor market




FAME – Training Adaptation Maintain Employability in the area’s handicap (DP Belgium -AWIPH)

Aims in view

Global objective: to improve the capacity of professional insertion on the labour market of the presenting a deficiency in Walloon Area.

Specific objective: to contribute to the increase in the quality of employment proposed to disabled people on the labour market in Walloon Area by improving the employability of this public.

Target public

Disabled People ( whatever the nature of deficiency ) , and more specifically disabled workers through sensitizing, training and information of private and public companies, trade union, companies of temporary work, public organizations, companies of social economy sector, companies of the adapted sector.

Undertaken activities

  1. Make sensitive and train the labour market in the field of the handicap
  2. Creation of and an integration management tool of competences adapted to disabled public and any underprivileged public
  3. Use of the tools of accompaniment, knowledge… of the handicap in company
  4. Knowledge of the possible adaptations of the working conditions
  5. Increased architectural accessibility of the companies to disabled people.


AMETHIS – Accompaniment and Mobilisation towards employment for Senior disabled workers

Global objective: to fight against professional marginalisation of disabled senior workers by experimenting an innovating disposal. The aim is to increase the capacity of professional insertion of those people and to support a voluntarist process of prospecting and sensitizing the companies to the employment of senior people recognized as disabled worker.

Specific objective: To contribute to the increase of the employment rate of disabled senior in Reunion Island.

Public concerned:

30 of 45 years-old disabled workers registered as job seekers and in priority are retained the persons presenting the following characteristics: long term unemployment, dismissal for inaptitude or for economic reason, having an acquired handicap of any kind.

Activities planned

  1. An accompaniment device for disabled workers in three steps

– One preparatory phase for the return to employment with diagnostic activities, professional, psycho sociological accompaniment and reinforcement of the competences in communication and methodology in job research.

– One integration phase in work organisations to put forwards the professional competences and to negotiate an employment.

– One phase of accompaniment in employment for people who found a professional solution and a phase of active accompaniment with research of an employment for the others.

  1. One accompaniment device of the companies on the employment of senior people by information, sensitizing and advice to employment and the integration of disabled workers.


 PAOLA – Advanced Practices for Employment and Cooperative Work

Target groups

Social enterprise and their managers

Final beneficiaries: 10 persons, unemployed, physical disabled and people suffering other kind of exclusion


– Research and analysis focused on social capital, legislation supporting the social inclusion of disabled people, cultural and structural resources at local level for tourist activities

– Enterprise creation and start up, with operational job design for disabled people.

– Selection, training and work experience of final beneficiaries

– Mainstreaming, strengthening the new enterprise on the market of touristic services



The essential idea of the project is to facilitate entry and re-entry of blind, partially sighted people and combined impaired people into the labour market.

According to the experts’ statements the rate of unemployment of this population group is higher then. 70%. The main reasons of the high unemployment rate of visually impaired people are the insufficient qualification, low level of education, low effectiveness at work and prejudice from the employers.

The objectives of the project are

Develop an effective educational system of visually impaired , provide comprehensive help and assistance for job applicants, develop information materials and booklets for employers and general public, target- group members edification, facilitate the education of ICT trainers, dissemination of the outcomes and best practices aimed at the general public in the Czech Republic etc.


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